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Let's meet up at Vivatech! We will be present on June 16 & 17 on stand D01-008 hosted by AD'OCC – Région Occitanie.
Adagos in the spotlight in an article and television interview published by Le Figaro Economie.
Press release
ADAGOS was selected by GICAT to join the GENERATE program, innovation accelerator for defense and security.
Press release
ADAGOS and Framatome signed an exclusive partnership agreement to bring artificial intelligence to the nuclear energy industry.
Press release
ADAGOS exhibited at the SIDO 2020 fair and led a workshop on embedded AI with the contribution of Vitesco (Continental Group).
Workshop presentation support
ADAGOS is one of the Top 50 Best Companies to Watch 2020 by The Silicon Review.
Press article
ADAGOS is ranked at the Top 10 Cognitive solution providers by CIO Applications Europe.
ADAGOS has received the GreenTech Innovation label.
This label, awarded by the Ministry of ecology and solidarity Transition, selects companies that develop ambitious, innovative and sustainable projects.
Press release
On March 19, 2020, FRAMATOME and ADAGOS organized a webinar for the commercial launch of NeurEco 2.0.

ADAGOS exhibited its solutions at the Occitanie INNOV fair on February 6, 2020.
ADAGOS was invited to the SIA conference on November 7, 2019.
Professor Masmoudi presented NeurEco, our parsimonious neural networks approach tailored to the precision requirements of the automotive engineer.
Article in "INGENIEURS DE L'AUTO" # 863
ADAGOS wins the CONTINENTAL start-up challenge Grand Prix 2019.
ADAGOS drastically reduces the size of artificial neural networks, enabling Continental to embed them in their cars of the future.
Press release
ADAGOS is participating in the H2020 medical European project SPINNER.
SPINe: Numerical and Experimental Repair strategies.
SPINNER is a doctoral training programme aimed at Bioengineering early stage researchers, to train bioengineers to be in a position to design the next generation of repair materials and techniques for spine surgery.
ADAGOS is part of the medical European consortium DigiTwins.
The DigiTwins initiative aims at revolutionising healthcare for the benefit of citizens and society through the creation of Digital Twins – computer models of individuals that allow identification of the individually best therapy, prevention or health maintenance measure.
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